Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fabulous Find- Stephen's Candycane Cocoa

Hot chocolate is one of my favorite things, not matter what time of year. I always enjoy grabbing a mug filled with yummy warm hot chocolate. Last week I found something wonderful that satisfied my need for hot chocolate beyond expectations.

Stephen's is one of the best hot chocolate makers as far as I am concerned, and this could possibly be there best cocoa. Candycane Cocoa is so yummy, and yes it actually has candycane's in it! Who ever came up with that should get a big raise. When I was younger Santa would always put packets of specialty hot chocolate in our stocks, and my favorite was always mint chocolate. I am not sure what it is, but I think that mint and chocolate go together better than peanut butter and jelly.

Last night my husband and I flipped on the fireplace and enjoyed some amazing Candycane Cocoa. With a dollop of homemade whipped cream, nothing could be better.

Find some Stephen's Candy cane Cocoa and give it a try. You will be hooked, I promise! If you can't find it at your local store, check out there website- www.stephensgourmet.com


Steph said...

We love it too! They sell it here in individual packs which I like to buy and give away with gifts at Christmas time or in the kid's stockings.

meg said...

mmmm. seattle is an excellent place for hot chocolate. this sounds especially good.

Brittney said...

Hi, I am looking everywhere for that can, I need it to put my litte sister's present inside of it, she's in love with that adorable little bear and i can not fnd one anywhere! Do you still have the can? I am willing to pay you for it. I don't need the contents...
If you can help me, please email me
at blustarz4@yahoo.com
Have a great New Years 8 )